blog summary 1 — BLOG — Earth Source Foods | The Fine Art of Tofu

blog summary 1

10 popular tofu recipes

It's been an honour for us to test our tofu preparation skills in the kitchen and create a bunch of everyday tofu recipes that are not only delicious and debunk tofu myths but are also easy to prepare. Here are 10 of our most popular...

5 undeniable similarities between fine wine and good tofu

Does cheap cask wine stand up against a vintage Eden Valley red? Similarly, does basic tofu stand up against premium bio-dynamic (The Enhanced Organic) tofu?

Taking Expiry Dates Seriously

As opposed to being an insurance policy for protecting the manufacturer, use-by dates are strategically selected to balance out factors like convenience and value-for-money with protecting your health and ensuring the utmost integrity of the product...

What is Momen Tofu?

You may have noticed Earth Source Foods released a new product called MOMEN SEMI-FIRM tofu but, like a lot of people, you might be too shy to ask: What does the word ‘Momen’ mean? Where does it come from? Or even, what does it taste like?

How to Turn Your Family Into Tofu Lovers

Tofu, like a lot of things in life, has some critics. In western society, it’s one of those foods the uninitiated will avoid without really giving it a chance. But, once you give good tofu a try, you often find there are some pretty powerful and enthusiastic converts in your corner.

The Tofu Appreciation Project

Do you love your tofu? Show us your appreciation by snapping one of your tofu creations, giving it a name and posting it on our Facebook and/or Twitter pages... Read more...